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konference program samt lidt update.

8220 Hya 18/4 2009 12:01

Så kom detalje programmet for konferencen
hvor DNDN vil fremlægge resultaterne mere specifikt af deres nylige afsluttede fase 3 forsøg.

DNDN's resultater fremlægges den 28 april - og er ikke omtalt i dette program - da resultaterne jo er "hemmelige" indtil fremlæggelsen under late state resultater den dag.

Mht min egen investering i aktien - så trader jeg den ikke længere - men ligger blot long - og ser så hvor meget den kan stige over længere tid, da jeg tror der er mange triggere fortsat - som jeg tidligere har nævnt.

I næste uge tror jeg det blir spædende, da der er margincalls på mange der ligger short, og "få" rigtige aktier i markedet - da der opbygges long positioner hos store investore.

Når jeg ser på volumen den handles på aktuelt - samt at den igen er på naked short listen, så tror jeg at "de store der ligger skævt" igen forsøger at presse kursen op/ned for at udløse stops - så de kan kapre aktier til at indfri deres shorts.
samt andre der presser kursen for at opbygge en billig long position.

Det er altid de små nervøse private investore - der har købt over evne, som taber i det spil - er min erfaring
så derfor nøjes med at købe de aktier du vil eje og luk øjnene for alle de manipulationer der foregår.

Da kemoterapi til prostatacancer i sin tid blev godkendt - kunne det øge overlevelsen med ca 2,5 mdr i gennemsnit under svære bivirkninger, hos de allemest syge patienter.

I de hidtidige forsøg har Provenge vist at de kan øge med ca 4,5 mdr under meget svage eller ingen bivirkninger.

og Bavarians fase 2 Provac vist endda med 8,5 mdr - men de har jo en længere vej til markedet - end provenge hos DNDN.

så det er spændende - hvordan det kommer til at gå.

Og jeg er helt sikker på at vi igen imødegår en uge - hvor alle interesser vil spamme chats forums medier osv med alskens "vrøvl" for at påvirke kursen derhen hvor de har brug for at den skal komme.

Så tag al information med et gran salt, læn dig tilbage og afvent

INGEN har nye facts omkring forsøgsresultaterne før den 28 på mødet.

Når man ser på kursen udfra TA - så er ma 50 lige krydset op gennem ma 200 på 3 mdr, 1 år og 5 års chartet
hvilket vist er et godt optrendstegn.

God weekend


18/4 2009 12:03 Hya 08221

kan se filen ikke fungerede så I kan se det her:

hvor det også kan downlodes.


18/4 2009 12:14 Hya 08222

link til den 28 apil kl 2.30

late-breaking science forum

18/4 2009 12:46 cyber 08223

Fin sammenfatning Hya, også jeg tolker kursudviklingen stabil nok til en longposition.
Jeg har købt.

18/4 2009 21:30 Hya 08251{7562171A-94E8-4178-90FC-75C82BE27281}&RGS=1

Her er link til deres webcast fra BIOCEO& investor conferencen den 10 febuar 2009
hvor Michel Gold fortæller omking pibeline, og firmaets økonomi, samt mål for fremtiden

oplysningerne fra slides er rigtig gode at ha i erindring når nu vi skal høre tallene fra det seneste forsøg som afsløres den 28/4

så har vi umiddelbart noget at knytte de nye tal op på.


19/4 2009 20:01 Hya 08311

20/4 2009 08:26 Hya 08348

en artikel i WSJ den 20 april

som igen komenterer på FDA beslutningen i 2007 om ikke at godkende provenge trods anbefaling fra FDA advisory panel voted 13 to 4 that there was "substantial evidence" the drug worked, and 17-0 that it was safe

og heldigvis er der mange der igen stiller spørgsmålstegn ved den koruption der fandt sted dengang.

og kræver ændringer i systemet der godkender nye præparater.


21/4 2009 14:50 Hya 08439

igen lidt news omkring et forsøg med et præparat i dndn's pibeline.


21/4 2009 18:07 Hya 08447

som beskriver frmtidsmuligheder og kursmål på de forskellige stadier undervejs


22/4 2009 01:28 Hya 08480

lader til at de forbereder at gå hele vejen selv,
ved at hindre fjendtlig overtagelse og skaffe midler til at booste forskningen

spændende hvordan markedet tager det.


22/4 2009 20:02 alpehue 08547

24/4 2009 00:47 Hya 08652

1. Dendreon

First up is Dendreon (DNDN), a biotech company that has been making headlines lately and is considered a very controversial stock. Recently, the company announced study results that showed that its breakthrough drug Provenge extended the survival rate for people who suffered from prostate cancer. The company expects to ask for FDA approval for Provenge in the fourth quarter.

Looking at the chart below, you can see that Dendreon is approaching a three-year breakout at around $22 a share. If the stock can close above this key price level, it could signal that the trend higher is far from over. Volume continues to be strong for Dendreon. Over the past five trading sessions, volume has clocked in well above the average daily volume of 5.3 million shares, twice hitting well over 17 million shares. It’s also worth noting that more than 20% of the float is currently sold short as of April. If the trend continues higher for Dendreon, the high short interest could fuel another massive short squeeze from current levels.

24/4 2009 15:21 Hya 08707

så kom det mere detaljerede program til den 28 som nyhed på yahoo finance


24/4 2009 15:30 Hya 08709

Dndn er ikke på naket shortlisten mere
hvordan de end har båret sig af med at fjerne den derfra

og volumen er aftagende

men jeg tror det er fordi folk efterhånden ligger der hvor de ønsker - long eller short i aktien og afventer den 28 april

så man skal nok ikke forvente de store udsving inden da
selvom der fortsat er mange (ca205) short i aktien.

Vedr firmaet - så har de meddelt at 2 member of the board ikke genopstiller -
det tror jeg er fordi de har været med hele vejen, og forventningen nu er at firmaet skal skifte fra en forsker enhed til et produktionsselskab - så der er behov for andre resourcer

desuden foreslår de at der laves en masse ekstra aktier (efter generalforsamling i juni) for at kunne imødegå bl a en fjendtlig overtagelse - og (tror jeg) for at kunne etablere sig med en row partner

på hjemmesiden er der idag 10 ledige job, 5 flere end i sidste uge.

jeg ligger fortat long afventende


prøver lige om jeg kan sætte dette ind mht den 28 april

April 28, 2009, 2:20 p.m. CDT - "A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center, phase III trial of sipuleucel-T in men with metastatic, androgen independent prostatic adenocarcinoma (AIPC)." AUA Late-Breaking Science Forum to be held from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. CDT. Room W375 at McCormick Place
April 28, 2009, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CDT - Abstract #1408: "Preclinical Evaluation of the TRPM8 Ion Channel Agonist D-3263 for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia." Poster presentation to occur in the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Basic Research session. Room W375B at McCormick Place
April 28, 2009, 4:30 p.m. CDT - IMPACT data webcast conference call

24/4 2009 19:53 Hya 08742

et link til et radiointerweiv

25/4 2009 00:43 Hya 08765

27/4 2009 11:11 Hya 08999

The recent announcement about Dendreon's latest trial meeting the target led to the spike in share price. Several analysts were expecting that the data may not meet the target and hence were very negative of DNDN. Most notably, the Bean Murray's analyst had set the target of dollar 1 with sell rating. Any ways it is history and analysts have started upgrading the stock. Let us look at the highlights of the latest announcement from Dendreon Management:

* Results were "unambiguous", "clear hit", and "robust and held up to multiple sensitivity analyses"

* To honor American Urological Assocation's embargo policy, data will not be presented until AUA conference on 4/28 at 2:20PM

* Safety consistent with previous trials, no new signals.

* Median survival benefit very consistent with previous two trials (4.3 months from integrated)

* Survival benefit consistent across all sub-groups (perhaps this could lead to label expansion to minimal pain patients, or at least off-label usage)

* Biological License Appication will be resubmitted in 4Q09. There is up to 6 years of follow up data to compile and it is important to put together a "high quality" amendment to the BLA. FDA will have 6 months to review.

* "Substantially addressed" 483 / CMC issues. Had preliminary discussions with FDA on most issues. Final resolution is pending license application, where the FDA will provide written feedback.

* Build out of sales and marketing infrastructure, and commercialization plans will be presented at the analyst conference this summer

* NJ plant initial phase build out as part of pre-approval inspection in 2007. Facility can expand very readily.

* Dr. Gold and David Miller(well respected biotech analyst) had an exchange about Jim (Caggiano?) leading the sales organization, but Dr. Gold said they would look at all qualified candidates

* Company has not established pricing yet, but expect it to be "similar to other biologics in the oncology space".

* Pricing and mfg cost will also be discussed at summer analyst conference

* Dr. Gold said "data supports Provenge as front line therapy"

* In the Provenge clinical trials 50% led by Urologist, 50% by Oncologists. Company feels that a 100 person sales force will be able to handle the domestic market targeting both.

27/4 2009 18:18 fistandanti 09031

En artikel mere inden dagen. Denne gang fra Adam Feuerstein, som selv ikke troede på at Provenge ville opnå primær endpoint ved det nu afsluttet IMPACT studie.

DNDN viser styrke idag!

27/4 2009 19:51 Hya 09040

lige nu kæmpes der i 22$ området

og hvis det lykkes shorterne at få kursen nedad -
så dannes der en dobbeltop på 14 dages chartet

det er det jeg tror de er ude efter - da mange handler på ren TA

men eg mener nu ikke at TA kan bruges når der kommer så afgørende news imorgen

på den anden side sad jeg jo også på neglene for 2 år siden, hvor kursen faldt brat da FDA nægtede at godkende trods flest stemmer for i deres Panel møde.

derudover har DOW SP og Nasdag lige lavet nogen flotte intraday dobbelttoppe

Da jeg har taget gevinster hen af vejen - holder jeg de DNDN aktier jeg har uanset -

såeeeeeeeee hvis jeg er stille, er det blot fordi jeg sidder spændt og følger news


27/4 2009 19:57 09041

og her sad jeg og overvejede at købe i 18 der er en grund til at du kører i bentley og jeg i metro

27/4 2009 20:52 Hya 09045

GSK er også kommet med en god nyhed for prostatacancerpatienter idag - menlig at de har et præparat på vej, som forebygger hos nogen at canceren udvikles - hvis man er meget disponeret

men nyheden har ikke noget med DNDN at gøre idet provenge jo er et middel til når folk har sygdommen

alligevel faldt kursen på dndn promte - og det fotælller jo blot hvor nervøse både short og long er omkring dndn og deres news imorgen.


27/4 2009 23:22 Hya 09064

lidt live transmition efter mødet imorgen kan findes her

28/4 2009 12:25 Hya 09103

denne artikel er god til at gi overblik

og her er et hurtigt skema til at sætte resultaterne ind i - så de blir overskuelige

David Miller has very generously given permission to post an IMPACT cheat sheet he created for tomorrow's presentation.

He also said: "Go ahead and note that I said it was OK to share the cheat sheet grid with everyone but that the analysis stays put with Subscribers."

IMPACT Data Presentation Cheat Sheet
(Courtesy of BSR)

Item TAX-327 Provenge IMPACT Provenge
(Updated) (9901)

Hazard Ratio
(lower is better) 0.79 _______________ 0.58

P-value 0.005 _______________ 0.01

Median survival 3.0 _______________ 4.5
benefit difference 19.3 v 16.3 25.9 v 21.4

3-year survival 17.9% _______________ 34%

% patients died from
drug side effects 1.0% _______________ 0%

% Grade 3-4 (serious)
side effects >32% _______________ 24.4%

% patients with more than
1 serious side effect 26% _______________ N/A

% patients stopped therapy 11% _______________ 0%
due to side effects

Median duration of treat-
ment (1st to last dose) 199.5 days _______________ 28 days
(6.56 months) (0.92 months)

Best to all,


28/4 2009 12:46 Hya 09106

på dndn's hjemeside er der nu 15 ledige jobs - er steget med 5 siden sidst så de liner op til godkendelse og produktion


28/4 2009 12:50 CHjort 09108

Jeg har valgt IKKE at tegne trendlinier ind. De har ingen betydning pga. dagens program.

28/4 2009 12:54 CHjort 09110

Pøj-pøj til alle jer, der er inde i DNDN

28/4 2009 13:13 Hya 09116

28/4 2009 17:49 Hya 09191

Her kan man virkelig se 2 ting

1. at der er en hammer candle på dagschartet

som udløsr en stor stigning pga et live interweiv mellem Huckmann og David Miller der har fulgt dndn aktien i mange år -
og som i interweivet kommer ind på at hans kursmål er 40$

så hammeren og medie interesse virker!


28/4 2009 18:04 Hya 09194

og her er der så gået 20 min mere end det forige indlæg

28/4 2009 18:07 Hya 09196

og Mike Huckman på Twitter

""David Miller appears 2 have moved $DNDN.Was up 2.5% pre-interview,up 12% post.Breaking news data @ 2p ET on CNBC's "Street Signs." """

28/4 2009 18:17 Hya 09200

28/4 2009 18:23 fistandanti 09202

Ekstremt spændende at følge DNDN lige nu !!

Præsentationen af data bliver meget interessant, jeg har desværre ikke selv muligheden for at følge live webcastet men så er der noget til gode sent i aften :−)

HEr er bare lige for en god ordens skyld link til det omtalte interview :

28/4 2009 18:41 Hya 09205

IKKE provenge impact som vi stadig venter på senere på dagen

men TRPM8 forsøget,802890.shtml


28/4 2009 18:42 Hya 09206

News From Dendreon...
Dendreon Presents Preclinical Data Demonstrating Activity of TRPM8 Agonist, D-3263, in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

-- Data Presented at American Urological Association Annual Meeting --

SEATTLE and CHICAGO, April 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Researchers from Dendreon Corporation (Nasdaq: DNDN) today presented preclinical data demonstrating the potential of D-3263, Dendreon's orally bioavailable small molecule, which targets TRPM8 (a transmembrane cation channel protein), to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). D-3263 demonstrated the ability to reduce BPH alone and in combination with finasteride, a current treatment for BPH.

The abstract (#1408), "Preclinical Evaluation of the TRPM8 Ion Channel Agonist D-3263 for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia" is being presented at the American Urological Association's (AUA) 2009 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, today in a poster session from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CDT.

In a preclinical study, BPH was induced in rats through subcutaneous injection of testosterone propionate (TP). One week after initiation of BPH, either D-3263, finasteride (an inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase) or a combination of the two agents was administered daily for two weeks. Following treatment, blood was sampled, prostates were collected and weighed, and tissue sections were examined histologically.

Rats with TP-induced BPH who were treated with D-3263, finasteride or a combination of the two, had a significant reduction (p=0.004) of mean prostate weight and prostate hyperplasia with evidence of a dose response. In addition, the highest dose of D-3263 given in combination with finasteride resulted in lower prostate weights than either agent given alone, suggesting a potential additive effect. BPH-induced animals showed increases in dihydrotestosterone (DHT) concentrations in the plasma, levels of which were reduced in animals treated with D-3263, finasteride or a combination of the two. While finasteride is a known inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, D-3263 is not an inhibitor of this enzyme suggesting that the two agents may act by different means to affect androgen metabolism and prostate hyperplasia.

"BPH is a condition that affects a significant number of men, and based on the preclinical data announced today demonstrating the drug's ability to reduce the size and weight of the prostate, we believe that D-3263 may be able to impact this disease," said David Urdal, Ph.D., chief scientific officer of Dendreon. "We are also exploring the role of TRPM8 in cancer, given that TRPM8 is upregulated on cancer cells. A Phase 1 clinical trial to evaluate this molecule against multiple types of solid tumors has been recently initiated."

About TRPM8

TRPM8 (also known as TRPP8) was identified through Dendreon's in-house discovery efforts. It is an ion channel that is triggered by cold temperatures and small-molecule agonists and belongs to the melastatin subfamily - one of seven subfamilies of TRP proteins. In normal human tissues, TRPM8 is expressed predominantly in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. It is over-expressed in prostate hyperplasia and multiple types of cancer including prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer. In recent years, it has emerged that TRP channels play a diverse and key role in cell biology and in pathology. Dendreon has synthesized small molecule agonists including D3263 that activate the TRPM8 ion channel and induce cell death.

28/4 2009 20:36 cyber 09222

Dendreon Corporation(NasdaqGM: DNDN)
Real-Time: 12.75 -8.80 (-40.84%)

28/4 2009 21:04 cyber 09224

PROVENGE extended median survival by 4.1 months compared to placebo (25.8 months versus 21.7 months);

PROVENGE improved 3-year survival by 38% compared to placebo (31.7% versus 23.0%);

The IMPACT study achieved a p-value of 0.032, successfully exceeding the pre-specified level of statistical significance defined by the study's design (p-value less than 0.043), and PROVENGE reduced the risk of death by 22.5% compared to placebo (HR=0.775); and

PROVENGE exhibited a favorable safety profile consistent with prior trials.

28/4 2009 21:08 Hya 09227,803206.shtml

og sikke da et drop - før aktien blev handelsstoppet

nogen mener det var en computerfejl

andre short angreb

uanset - så retter det sig nok når den kan handles igen


28/4 2009 21:12 cyber 09230

Ja, det var sgu godt nok det vildeste vilde, spændt på at se fortsættelsen

28/4 2009 21:54 Hya 09238

ok...i'm back after changing my boxers
no joke...i sharted in my pants at exactly 1:27pm today

all is better now


28/4 2009 21:58 Hya 09241

det undersøges nu om det er fejlhandler

28/4 2009 21:09 09228

UPDATE 1-Survival extended by Dendreon cancer vaccine-study
28-04-2009 20:00:00

* Provenge improved 3-year survival by 38 percent

* Provenge patients lived 4.1 months longer on average

* No major adverse events seen with Provenge in study

By Bill Berkrot

NEW YORK, April 28 (Reuters) - An experimental cancer vaccine developed by Dendreon Corp (DNDN) improved three-year survival of patients with advanced prostate cancer by 38 percent compared with a placebo, according to data from a closely watched study unveiled on Tuesday.

Patients in the 512-subject study who received Dendreon's Provenge lived an average of 4.1 months longer than those who received a placebo -- 25.8 months versus 21.7 months -- in the late-stage clinical trial, researchers said.

"This is a game changer in my business," said Dr David Penson, associate professor of urology at the University of Southern California, who presented the data at the American Urological Association meeting in Chicago.

"I have no doubt that if this drug becomes commercially available in the United States, it will replace chemotherapy" in this patient population, Penson said in a telephone interview.

The results further bolster the likelihood that Provenge will become the first approved therapeutic vaccine for any type of cancer. Dendreon plans to seek U.S. approval of Provenge, known chemically as sipuleucel-T, in the fourth quarter.

Penson called the data convincing and forecast that "it will reinvigorate cancer vaccine therapy" -- a field that had previously been littered with failures.

Earlier this month Dendreon said Provenge achieved the main goal of this study, which was reducing the overall risk of death by at least 22 percent compared with a placebo -- an announcement that more than doubled the price of the company's heavily-shorted shares.

Details of the study, which showed the vaccine reduced risk of death by a statistically significant 22.5 percent, were not made public until the presentation at the urology meeting.

Unlike traditional vaccines that prevent disease, Provenge treats it by stimulating the body's own immune system to attack cancer cells. If approved Provenge, which is administered in three doses at two-week intervals, would be the first cancer immunotherapy on the market.

Adverse events seen in patients taking Provenge were chills, fever and headache that lasted just one to two days following infusion -- a huge advantage over the debilitating side effects typically seen with chemotherapy.

"This drug is the best tolerated (cancer) drug I've seen," Penson said. "These guys would get the drug on Thursday or Friday and be out playing golf on Saturday or Sunday."

The drug could have been available to patients with late-stage prostate cancer considerably sooner. But the Food and Drug Administration insisted that this study must first confirm earlier results as a condition of approval, despite a March 2007 recommendation from one of its own expert advisory panels that it be approved.

"Let's get it approved and get it out to help patients," Penson said.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men aside from skin cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. About one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. (Reporting by Bill Berkrot and Ransdell Pierson; Editing by Andre Grenon) (([email protected] +1 646 223-6030; Reuters Messaging: [email protected])) Keywords: DENDREON/

28/4 2009 21:48 Hya 09236

News from Nasdaq if you were stopped out
NASDAQ MarketWatch is investigating potentially erroneous transactions involving the security Dendreon Corp. (DNDN) executed between 13:25:00 and 13:27:02 ET today. MarketWatch will advise with details as soon as available. Participants should review their trading activity for potentially erroneous trades and request adjudication through the Clearly Erroneous process within the applicable timeframe for filing pursuant to the rule.

NEW - Clearly Erroneous Viewer Enhancements!
NASDAQ’s Reg Recon ( users can search for and file erroneous filings in seconds. In addition, you get real time status updates on your filings, have the ability to electronically negotiate adjustments and mutual breaks, and get a street-wide view of what is being adjudicated in the NASDAQ marketplace.
Find out what you're missing.

28/4 2009 22:02 cyber 09242

Har købt DNDN til modellen her på PI, må se at få indhentet de der 100 tusinde procent, inden vi får realtidskurser - haha

28/4 2009 22:03 09243

dont tease the system it will be back and bite you

28/4 2009 22:09 Hya 09246

23.06% float short. That's about 25,000,000 DNDN short. This is the crooked street at it's best. IMHO.
Dendreon Corp. $ 11.81
DNDN -9.74
Short Interest (Shares Short) 21,611,400
Days To Cover (Short Interest Ratio) 1.3
Short Percent of Float 23.06 %
Short Interest - Prior 19,374,900
Short % Increase / Decrease 11.54 %
Short Squeeze Ranking™ 67
% From 52-Wk High ($ 22.10 ) -87.13 %
% From 52-Wk Low ($ 2.55 ) 78.41 %
% From 200-Day MA ($ 4.54 ) 61.56 %
% From 50-Day MA ($ 4.49 ) 61.98 %
Price % Change (52-Week) 222.40 %
Shares Float 93,720,000
Total Shares Outstanding 98,201,864
% Owned by Insiders 7.61 %
% Owned by Institutions 44.00 %
Market Cap. $ 1,159,764,014
Trading Volume - Today 28,070,537
Trading Volume - Average 16,375,400
Trading Volume - Today vs. Average 171.42 %
Earnings Per Share -0.79
PE Ratio
Record Date 2009-AprilB
Sector Healthcare
Industry Biotechnology
Exchange NAS

28/4 2009 22:11 Hya 09247

28/4 2009 22:20 Hya 09251

28/4 2009 22:35 cyber 09259

13:45:12 Q 22.47 +0.92 100

13:44:50 Q 22.47 +0.92 100

13:44:18 Q 22.475 +0.925 200

13:43:42 Q 22.26 +0.71 200

13:42:55 Q 11.115 -10.435 100

13:42:26 Q 12.16 -9.39 100

13:41:53 Q 12.165 -9.385 100

13:40:42 Q 12.62 -8.93 200

13:27:03 Q 11.81 -9.74 100

13:27:02 Q 11.841 -9.709 500

Fra stockwatch:

28/4 2009 23:00 Hya 09267

og en forklaring

For those who have not seen this pattern before...

Huge drops in the price often happen in stocks that are heavily shorted coincident with news releases.

Here is why it happens:

People who are short huge numbers of shares realize that many people base their perception of news reports based on the stock reaction.

The people with the short position therefore plan to sell a large number of shares right about the time the news comes out with the idea that they will cause a large drop in the price. Many people who have DNDN will not understand the news or the implications of the news. They will believe that the drop in price happened because the news is not good or not as good as hoped. Therefore, when they see the price drop, they will also sell - or even sell in a panic to get out. The people with the short position hope to cause enough people to panic and sell that they can cover their short position at a huge gain and thus will make money by manipulating the perception of the news.

som også er foregået omkring Imclone i sin tid og i 2006 i Rambus aktien

altså ikke en ny taktik - selvom den var Ny og overraskende for mig.


28/4 2009 23:15 tasiilaq 09270

mener/tror/håber du dermed at kursen er ret op de kommende dage, eller vil shorts fortsætte?

28/4 2009 23:22 Hya 09275

ALTSÅ vi snakker om blokbuster potientiale
selvfølgelig vil kursen rette sig

det er bare så synd at al info druknes i det stpre kursdrop
som netop skabes for at lave tumult
så de kan redde deres brændte shorts hjem billigere!

jeg øger imorgen hvis kursen er under 17$


28/4 2009 23:29 tasiilaq 09278

jeg køber hvis kursen er under 10 , hehe...

28/4 2009 23:40 Hya 09280

USA Today article
now this is mainstream press! next is 60 Minutes...its a great story.

Provenge vaccine prolongs life in prostate cancer patients

By Liz Szabo, USA TODAY
Scientists today revealed details about the first vaccine that helps cancer patients live longer.
The vaccine, Provenge, helped men with advanced prostate cancer live four months longer, according to Seattle-based Dendreon Corp., which announced details from a 512-patient study Tuesday at the American Urological Association meeting in Chicago.

"This is clearly a remarkable day," says James Gulley, a vaccine expert at the National Cancer Institute who didn't work on the Provenge trial.

Scientists have been struggling for decades to harness the power of the immune system to fight cancer, Gulley says.

Unlike traditional vaccines, such as the polio vaccine, Provenge doesn't prevent disease. Instead, it treats cancer by using a patient's own cells to train the immune system to recognize tumors cells and attack them, Gulley says.

Scientists didn't directly compare Provenge to the standard treatment for advanced prostate cancer, a chemotherapy drug called docetaxol. In other clinical trials, chemo helped patients live 2.4 months longer, but made many patients very sick, Gulley says.

Provenge, in comparison, causes relatively few harsh side effects, says Paul Schellhammer, a lead researcher in the new study and professor at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk. Only 1% of patients dropped out of the study because of side effects. The most common side effects were chills, fever and headache, although most of these were relatively minor and lasted only a day or two after treatment, according to Dendreon. Provenge is also more convenient to take than chemo, Schellhammer says, because treatment lasts only a month. Chemo usually lasts six months.

Researchers are developing vaccines to treat many other kinds of tumors. Gulley has been working on an alternative prostate cancer vaccine. In a preliminary trial of 122 men, that vaccine, Prostvac, improved survival by 8.5 months, he says.

Gulley says there's no evidence that vaccines cure cancer.

Yet prostate cancer survivors such as Thomas Farrington, who founded a group called Prostate Health Education Network, said in a statement that men desperately need better options. He knows men who have died waiting for Provenge to be approved. Dendreon has not yet announced how much Provenge will cost.

28/4 2009 23:42 cyber 09281

Under 10 - haha, køb alt under 30, lige nu koster DNDN 22.93

28/4 2009 23:46 09284

kan man købe den...? gennem etrade..

28/4 2009 23:16 Zip 09271

Nasdaq har undersøgt de sidste handler fra 1:27pm - 1:29pm og afvist at lade dem gaa tilbage. Normalt hvis kursen paa en aktie falder mere end $1 undersøges for brooker fejl og handler kan i så fald tilbageføres, men denne gang var den altså god nok (ud fra deres betragtning).

Spændende hvad der sker i morgen når Nasdaq åbner igen. Enten er der rigtig mange der har tabt rigtig mange penge, eller også er der en brooker der skal ud og lede efter et nyt job.

Jeg hælder nu mest til det sidste, da udmeldelse og de reelle behandlingsdata var meget positive og in line med tidligere udmeldinger der jo fik aktien op på den $22

29/4 2009 00:26 CHjort 09295

Og hvad med Vestas her idag?

28/4 2009 23:43 Zip 09282

Jeg har nu set en handel i after-hours til $22.93 for 200 shares. Dog kun en handel indtil videre.

Planen med dette bear market raid er sikkert som flere allerede har vaeret inde paa at skraemme Longs til at saelge eller i det mindste ikke at koebe ved at skabe extreme usikkerhed lige omkring release tidspunktet, saa Short ville faa en bedre mulighed for at lukke positioner.

Problemet nu var at markedet lukkede og tågen er lettet når der igen kan handles.

AH link:

28/4 2009 23:45 cyber 09283

Godt du kan bekræfte

28/4 2009 23:49 Hya 09286

28/4 2009 23:53 tasiilaq 09288

29/4 2009 00:29 Zip 09296

Sjovt at Dendreon selv har en definition af Bear Raid under deres investor page på deres hjemmeside:

29/4 2009 00:39 fistandanti 09300

Man får sgu dårlige nerver at have aktier i DNDN!!

NOget af et chock at se kursen er blevet banket så langt ned, men data virker da heldigvis lovende. De 22,5 % virker måske noget tæt, men p-værdien (0,032) holder sig under de p 0,05 (Mitchell nævner 0,043?).

29/4 2009 00:58 Hya 09301

29/4 2009 01:16 Zip 09302

After-hours handles mellem 4pm - 6pm Eastern, dvs. indtil midnat DK. Jeg tror desværre den DNDN AH handel der listet på Nasdaqs side er en enlig svale og sikkert en fejl. Jeg har prøvet at lægge en AH handel i fra mit 401k depot til $22, men selv som marketorder sker der ikke noget.

jeg er dog klar fra morgenstunden med en ny ordre.

Jeg fandt en blog med en raekke interessante meninger om potentialet i denne aktie, specielt omkring udvikling af samme af andre cancer behandlinger paa samme platform.

Da Provenge sidst blev skudt ned af FDA i 2007 indstillede Dendreon udviklingsprojekter paa de andre omraader for at fokusere 100% paa Provenge. Nu hvor den tegner meget positive og sikkert faar en godkendelse i andet forsoeg til efteraaret kan de maaske igen aabne op for de andre projekter. Jeg ved godt det bare er en blog, men check lige:

29/4 2009 01:17 cyber 09303


9243 dont tease the system ..
28/4 22:03 0